Next Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will continue with Part II of the Sermon Series "Why could we not cast it out?" The Scriptures come from Mark 9:14-29, describing when a caring father who had brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus to be healed, but when he found that Jesus wasn't there, he asked the remaining disciples if they could "cast it out, and they were not able." Jesus had given them the authority in Mark 6, but they lacked the faith to access the power to exorcise the demon in this man's son. After hearing what had taken place, Jesus became burdened and filled with anguish over the situation. His disciples had the authority given to them and had witnessed many miracles demonstrating Christ's power, yet they lacked the faith to cast out the demon.
As believers, we have been given the power of the Holy Spirit within us to enable us to complete the work God has given us to do. But, as many do, we lack sufficient faith to make a difference in the lives of people who come to us in a desperate hope that we can help them. The success of the Church is not found in ornate buildings, large bank accounts, or thousands in the congregation. The success of the Church is when she operates in the power of Almighty God, seeking for God's will and then following God's purpose for us ... spreading the Gospel message, helping those who are suffering, loving others as Jesus loves. To hear more, please join us in person or online via Facebook at 10:30 a.m. We welcome you to God's house!
As believers, we have been given the power of the Holy Spirit within us to enable us to complete the work God has given us to do. But, as many do, we lack sufficient faith to make a difference in the lives of people who come to us in a desperate hope that we can help them. The success of the Church is not found in ornate buildings, large bank accounts, or thousands in the congregation. The success of the Church is when she operates in the power of Almighty God, seeking for God's will and then following God's purpose for us ... spreading the Gospel message, helping those who are suffering, loving others as Jesus loves. To hear more, please join us in person or online via Facebook at 10:30 a.m. We welcome you to God's house!
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