This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will begin the sermon series "LIVING IN LIGHT OF THE LORD'S IMMINENT RETURN". The message will be based upon 1 Peter 4:7-11. The Apostle Peter was addressing Christians who were suffering persecution, seizing the opportunity to use their persecution as a means to awaken them to the greater truths of the Christian faith. He helped them realize that there is something greater than this world, that this world is not our permanent home, and that their future in Christ has been established forever. Because of these truths, we should prioritize our work of reaching the lost. Christ's return could happen at any moment ... we need to be about our Father's business. If you want to learn more about being prepared to live as if Christ could come at any moment, please join us at 10:30 a.m. in person or online via Facebook. You will surely be blessed!!! Everyone is welcome!!
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