We invite everyone to join us this Sunday to hear this Biblical perspective on God-honoring attitudes and behaviors in the workplace. You may attend in person or join us online - everyone is welcome!!!
We invite everyone to join us this Sunday to hear this Biblical perspective on God-honoring attitudes and behaviors in the workplace. You may attend in person or join us online - everyone is welcome!!!
Everyone is welcome to join us either in person or online for the completion of this important message to Fathers.
This is Part 1 of a two-part sermon series on God's "Instructions for a Spirit-filled Father." Please join us online or in person - everyone is welcome!!!
You are invited to hear more about this letter to the Galatians and find out how this letter also applies to churches today. We must KNOW what the Gospel of Jesus Christ really means according to the Scriptures so that we can recognize false doctrines when we hear them. Everyone is welcome!!! Please join us either in person or online to find out more!
Romans 8:34: "Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us."
John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Prepare your hearts and minds for this special service to remember what Jesus did for us, because He loves us with an everlasting love.
Please join us in person or online for the message from the Scriptures. Everyone is welcome!
We invite you to join us, in person or online, to look into the deeper meaning of a Christian marriage. Everyone is welcome!!
7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in depair;
9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
When we, by faith, come to the realization fully what Jesus did for us on the cross--leaving heaven to become the God-man to suffer persecution and die a horrible death on the cross--to provide a way of forgiveness of sins, it is a very humbling realization. Trials and challenges provide opportunities to build our faith and trust in God. Genuine faith is faith that believes in and obeys God, acting in response to the Word of God and according to the Word of God. We will suffer in this life, but faith in God gives us the assurance that He will keep His promises to never leave or forsake us, to hold us in the palm of His hand, and to guide us through this life and into eternity with Him.
Come, or listen online, and be encouraged! Everyone is welcome!
This Sunday, December 9, 2022, Pastor Brian will continue his sermon series "Checking My Spiritual Pulse" by presenting Part II. Today's message will focus on what it takes for a Christian and a Church to thrive to the glory of God! Please plan to be with us to hear this thought-provoking message and how to apply it to your life in 2022. Everyone is welcome!!
This is a time for reflection on our spiritual lives in 2021 as we draw near to the beginning of a new year - 2022. Pastor Brian will be delivering a message based on Acts 2:41-47 that gives us a look at how the early Christians lived their lives devoted to Jesus. Come and join us to hear this insightful message! Everyone is welcome!
After the worship, the children will present their Christmas program for the glory of God. Please pray that everything said and done in this service will remind us of that wonderful night in Bethlehem when God's glory came to earth as a Baby in a manger, Who would change the world forever.
Please come and praise God with us on this last Sunday before Christmas! Everyone is welcome!
This week, we will learn about how it is possible for "God to dwell with man" and how "God revealed grace and truth to man" -- all through Jesus Christ! Jesus is "GOD WITH US"!!! Come and hear more about the true meaning of Christmas!!! REJOICE WITH US!!! Everyone is welcome!
Please join us as we look into the Word of God to learn in greater detail how the birth of Jesus Christ, the First Advent, has impacted the life of every believer! Everyone is welcome to come share this joy with us!!
Thanksgiving is a time to express our love and appreciation to all those who have made an impact in our lives. It is a time to give God thanks for everything that He is and for all that He has done.
Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
On Sunday, November 28, we will celebrate Communion, The Lord's Supper. Just as the disciples made preparation for the Last Supper with Jesus, we are to make preparation by examining our hearts and minds, asking forgiveness for our mistakes, offering forgiveness to those who have wronged us, and especially thanking God for giving us Jesus to take our place on the cross and making a way for us to be saved. As often as we partake of Communion, we are remembering His sacrifice until He returns to take us home to be with Him for all eternity. What a day that will be!!! Jeremiah 31:3 - "...I have loved you with an everlasting love ..."
The service begins at 10:30 a.m. - everyone is welcome!
God wants us to come before Him with thanksgiving and gratefulness in our hearts and sing praises to Him for His everlasting love, His goodness, His mercy, and His faithfulness -- He has all of the things available for us in abundance!!! Please join us either in person or online to hear this inspiring message! Everyone is welcome!!!
Come and see how you can make a difference in the life of a child, whether it be through adoption, becoming foster parents, or engaging in other ministries that bring God's love to children. Everyone is welcome!!!
NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTH! This Sunday, November 7th, Mark Bailey will be preaching the message "Take the Exit"... so please plan to be with us, either in person or online, to hear this message to find out what it means to "take the exit"!
Everyone is welcome!
This truth motivates us to pursue our work in God's kingdom, sharing the love of God through spreading the Gospel message to all who will listen. This promise enables us to put life's circumstances -- good and bad -- into perspective so that as sojourners on this earth, our spiritual eyes can continue to look to the skies with expectation of our Lord's return!
Please join us in person or online to hear this beautiful and powerful message -- everyone is welcome!!!
We invite you to join us as we hear more about this vital passage of Scripture. The service begins at 10:30 a.m., and everyone is welcome!!
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